4 Essential New Manager Skills to Overcome Obstacles

a business man is leaping over barrels as he tries to run up a staircase

Of course you want to succeed as a new manager. You can just see your star rising in the organization. But be aware that there are some obstacles in your way as you ascend the corporate staircase. 

Being forewarned is being forearmed. Know that the abilities that brought you this far are not the skills that will carry you forward as a manager. You will need to change your whole mindset. You were most likely recognized for your hard work and your technical acuity. Hard work is something that will translate well when you become a manager. But, while technical ability is important, it is no longer as important as making sure that your team succeeds. You need to develop leadership and managerial skills that will help you support your team in a way that they can perform at their peak and reach their targets. 

Based upon new manager training best practices, here are the essential and fundamental management skills you need to “make it” as a new manager:

Effective communication
You are the one to whom the team members look for direction and inspiration. Be very clear about what you expect of each one of them according to their job role and make sure you hold them accountable. Support them when they ask for guidance, answer their questions openly and honestly, provide the resources they need to get their job done, and match their strengths as much as possible to the job at hand.  Focus more on inquiry than advocacy.  Make sure that you truly understand where people are coming from before trying to influence them.

For example, we recently had a new Operations Director who found that a long-term client was unwilling to pay for a previously agreed-upon rate increase for their union workers.  Frustrated by the change, the new Director launched into telling the client that they had already agreed to the rate increase and why it needed to happen.  The meeting ended poorly and without resolution.  After reflecting upon the conversation, the Director reached out to the client to understand why the previously agreed-upon rate increase was such a concern.  He learned that the client had just lost a key account and was laying off 10% of their workforce.  The client could not stomach a rate increase in the face of laying off their own people.  A better understanding allowed the Director to reach a compromise with his client in a way that made sense to both parties.  Listening and inquiring really paid off.

A touch of humility
Your new team does not expect you to be an expert at first. Don’t try to be something you are not. Ask for and accept feedback and advice from those who may have more or different experience than you do. As you show that you are willing to learn from others, your team members will follow your example. The result is a learning environment where trust and respect reign and continuous improvement is valued.

Mistakes will happen…you will make them too. Try to adopt the attitude that mistakes are opportunities to learn how to do things better the next time. Find out what went wrong and, without placing blame, try to find the teachable moment. Your understanding and support will earn you the allegiance of your team members…and that is of inestimable value.

Stay close to your team so you know when they have performed above expectations. This is a chance for you to show how much you appreciate their extra effort and performance. Meaningful appreciation from a manager helps to keep employees engaged and striving to do better.

Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/new-supervisor-new-manager-training/