4 Tried and True Time Management Tips for New Managers

Congratulations, you are new to management. Now you are in control of managing your time…or you could be. Almost all new supervisor and new manager training programs focus on how to manage people.  Yet few help new bosses effectively manage time in their new role.

Here are 4 helpful hints:
  1. Lists work. Each morning write down what you need to do and whom you need to contact, prioritize and then work through the list one-by-one. At the end of the day, update your list.
  2. Reduce your time in meetings. Make sure your presence is needed before you accept. If you are calling the meeting, set a tight agenda, stick to the time parameters and only invite those that need to be part of the discussion or the decision.
  3. Set up a tickler system. Don’t clutter your mind with the things you have to remember to do in the future. Document the task in a file or in in your computer’s contact application. Then forget it until it is timely.
  4. Make appointments with yourself. Set aside time on your calendar to take care of thinking strategically, focusing on customers, aligning with your boss, having 1x1 with your direct reports, making calls, answering emails, writing reports, checking in with team members and stick to the schedule. Follow the plan to keep focused on the task at hand and avoid time-wasting shifts from one task to another.