The Best New Managers Plan Thoroughly Before They Execute

The Best New Managers Plan Thoroughly Before They Execute

Too many projects fail because overly eager managers begin them too fast. New manager training sometimes overlooks this aspect of leadership. Rather than highlighting the very critical step of thorough planning to lay a solid foundation, training is apt to focus more on the process and tracking.

We recommend you back up and avoid a very common problem-solving mistake…leaping to solution before you understand the issue. Be sure you are very clear about:

  • What problem you are trying to address and that it really needs a solution

  • Who cares about solving the problem and what goals they want achieved as a result

  • Why it is important to the organization

  • How success will be measured
Only then should you begin to gather your team, assign roles and plan actual implementation. Successful projects are well defined and carefully planned. Go slow to go fast and your projects will have a better chance for meeting their goals.