5 Simple Steps to Success as a New Manager

Five numbered footprints show steps to success

Just so you know from the start, this is not about all the management skills you need to succeed as a new manager. Those you will get from a comprehensive new manager training program. Instead, this article deals with how you can set yourself up to succeed from the point of view of integrating well with the team…individually, collectively and culturally. Of course, becoming a true member of your new team will have a huge impact on how well you are accepted and trusted as a leader so, in many ways, it IS about succeeding as a new manager…not the hard skills but the personal interaction, soft skills side.

1. Be authentic. 
Don’t try to be someone you are not or try to over-impress. To build strong relationships you need to engender trust. Trying to fake a personality will raise suspicion. Your new team members will likely see right through your act and find you ingenuous. Besides it takes a lot of energy to wear a mask that does not fit your true self.

2. Learn who is on your team.
Get to know the individuals you will be working with. What are their talents and interests, both at work and at home? You can’t be everyone’s “friend” but you can show an active, sincere interest in what motivates them and what they like to do. It will give you important insight and allow you to be a better coach in the future. By observing how the team works together, you will also soon learn who wields the most influence on the team. Who are the natural leaders and what is the glue that keeps the team together?

3. Contribute thoughtfully.
Chances are the team has worked together for a while. Observe the existing dynamics and experience the current processes before making suggestions for change. Ask plenty of questions about why things are done a certain way.  Your interest in and respect for the status quo will make future course corrections more readily accepted.

4. Be respectful of the team’s accomplishments.
It may be tempting to point out all the things they are doing wrong. But, of course, that is not the way to win friends and influence people. Insert your ideas for change wisely. Earn the right to be followed before you exercise your new found authority.

5. Always do what you say you will do.
As much as you might want to change the world quickly, don’t take on more than you can realistically accomplish. Small bites at a time are more impressive than too big a bite that you can’t swallow. Under promise and over deliver is a great motto for new managers.  Hold yourself as accountable as you hold your team.

Be patient as you join this new team. The better you all work together, the better the work results. And team results are the measure of your success as a new manager.

Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/new-supervisor-new-manager-training/